Legal communications
Access conditions and use of the web site: This is the official web site of Palazzo del Senatore Srl, with head office in Piazza Garibaldi 16 Atina (FR) – P.IVA (VAT number) 02753550603 Italy. Palazzo del Senatore allows access to the users of its web site at the conditions and in the terms indicated below, that are restrictive and binding for whoever visits or uses the web site itself, in whole or in part. All those who connect themselves to this web site are invited to carefully read the present conditions before viewing its contents. It also remains intended that any access to the contents of this web site implicitly leads the user to acknowledge and totally accecpt the present conditions, as well as the communications regarding the protection of the privacy and of the copyrights provided at the foot of the home page of the www.palazzodelsenatore.com web site. Palazzo del Senatore reserves all rights to modify at any time the conditions of access and use of the web site itself.
Modality and use of the web site
The user will use the present web site in compliance with the current dispositions and legislations of the law, to the principles of fair trading and to the correct behavioral rules of computer conduct, refraining in particular and with no limitation from actions that may obstruct or impede access to this web site to a third party or in any way compromise, even temporarily, its regular and correct function, or to modify, damage or destroy informatic systems, informatic networks, hardware, software, data base, web sites or other informatic instuments of Palazzo del Senatore. The user is authorized for accessing to this web site only to acquire and obtain the information made available by Palazzo del Senatore from inside the site itself, being expressly forbidden any attempts of access by part the user towards other areas of the informatic system of Palazzo del Senatore or of a third party.
Links to other web sites
This web site contains, or can contain in the future, links towards third party web sites. Making access to these links, the user exits from Palazzo del Senatore web site and enters to the other web sites that are totally independent on which Palazzo del Senatore has no controll on, hence, declining any responsibility, being the connection to these sites included merely for the users convenience, without involving approval or assurance in the control of the contents by part of Palazzo del Senatore.
Associated risks on the use of the web site
In consideration of the open nature of the network and on the limits of the technologies that control the web, Palazzo del Senatore gives no guarantee, expressed or tacit, legal or conventional, regarding the functioning of the present web site, the continuity and regularity of the functions and services present in it (including eventual software components the user can download), the absence of virus and other prejuditial elements, etc. Palazzo del Senatore has also the right to modify at its discretion the contents and the format of the web site or to interrupt its use without giving prior notice. The user therefore may access and use the present web site at his/her own risk, remaining expressly excluded any responsability of Palazzo del Senatore for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage caused to the user or to third party users as a result of accessing, use, function or failure to function of the web site, of its individual pages, of its files, programms or other materials contained therein, or of other web sites connected to it by hypertextual links, including, without any restrictive intents, damage caused by activity interruption or slowdown, loss of data or programms or other damage caused to the users informatic system or to third party users.
Valency of the information and warranty exclusion
The only function of the informations contained or in any way obtainable from the present web site is that to provide the user with a rough indication and guidance about the organization, the activities and products of Palazzo del Senatore, that can in any moment correct or modify these informations without reporting in any way that a change has taken place. It remains underlined the commitment of Palazzo del Senatore to make possible that the informations are updated, correct and clear, the same can not in any circumstances be considered as constraining, comprehensive and immune from errors or inaccuracies. The user must therefore pay attention, verify, and make the appropriate checks, remaining intended that Palazzo del Senatore MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR TACIT, REGARDING THE CONTENTS OF SUCH INFORMATIONS AND DOES NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR POSSIBLE DAMAGE, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEGUENTIAL, THAT THE USER OR A THIRD PARTY USER MAY UNDERGO FOR HAVING TRUSTED ON THEIR RELIABILITY AND COMPLETENESS. The foregoing is particularly applied, without limitative intents, to the informations regarding the products of Palazzo del Senatore contained or otherwise obtainable from the present web site, which can not in any case configure a public offer, contract proposal or, anyhow, assume relevance in contract or pre-contract areas. It remains excluded, in particular, without limitative intents, any guarantee, expressed or tacit, regarding the availability, the conformity, the features, the performance, the security, the merchantability or the suitability for use of the illustrated products, described or mentioned in this web site. Any indications regarding the products must therefore be verified by Palazzo del Senatore and will assume a constraining feature only if subject to specific agreements contained in the single contract of purchase.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The present conditions and every other communication contained in this web site, including the communications regarding privacy and copyrights, are regulated by the Italian laws. Any controversy regarding the interpretation and/or the applications of the present conditions or in any way connected to the constitution, management, access or use of the present web site, except for what is indicated in the following, is subject to the jurisdiction of the Italian judges. As a partial exception of what was indicated above, Palazzo del Senatore maintains the faculty to assert the violation of the present conditions on front of every other competent court.
If one or more clauses contained in the present conditions should be declared null or ineffective by the competent authorities, the same will be automatically considered replaced by valid and effective clauses that comply with the function and the spirit of the original ones, keeping anyhow the validity of the remaining clauses of the present conditions. In the circumstance that Palazzo del Senatore does not at any time consider valid one or more clauses of the present conditions, this will not in any way be considered like a general renunciation of their application, niether will it be an impediment for a later claiming of their punctual and rigorous observance.